niedziela, 15 kwietnia 2012

Wos po angielsku- populacja USA pytanka

1. Population of USA

The United States has the third-largest population in the world(after China and India), In 2010 it passed the 309 000 000 mark.

2. What does it mean that the Unites States is a nation of nations?
It means that people from around the world have come to the USA and influenced its history and culture.

3. The Native Americans- who are they?

They were the first people on the American continent that came from Asia across the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska at various times when the sea level dropped

4. Why are Native- Americans called Indians?

They are called Indians because when Columbus arrived in 15th century he called them like that in the mistaken belief that he had reached the East Indies

5. What about them now?

Now about one-third of the Native Americans live on reservations, land that was set aside for them. Most of the others live in cities. Poverty and unemployment are major problems, especially on the reservations

6. What does the American culture has to do with the British culture?

By the time of the American Revolution the culture of the American colonists was thoroughly British with an American twist. In a sense then, the British culture was the foundation on which America was built

7. The puritans, who are they?

They are people who left for America in September 1620 to start a new land, a land of God. Their ship was called Mayflower, and the first colony called Plymouth was settled in Jamestown.

They wanted to purify the English Church of his corruption and hierarchy.

8. What do they believe it?

Puritans believe in predestination which means that if you are successful in life you have been chosen by God. They also believe in education and hard work. They believe that there should be no one between you and God. According to them everybody should start to read the Bible and then teach the others how to do it.

9. Preaching what is it?

Preachers are the people who deliver a sermon giving you moral and religious instructions. They help you to understand the Bible.

10. Who are African-Americans?

They were by far the largest group of people to come to the USA. They came not as willing immigrants but they were brought against their will from Africa to work as slaves especially on the plantation or large farms of the South.

11. What is their situation now?

Despite many changes. Black Americans are still much more likely than white Americans to be poor and to suffer the bad effects that poverty brings. Segregation and continues prejudice are not as easy to get rid of.

12. Where do African- Americans live?

Many of them live in the South and in the cities of the Northeast and Midwest.

13. The Civil War when and why?

The Civil war broke out in 1861 and it was over slavery. While the North wanted to abolish slavery , the economy of the South was based on cheap labor force which was provided by black slavers.

14. What was the result of the Civil War?

About 800 000 Americans died. The war ended the slavery and established equal rights for black Americans. But many states, especially in the South passed laws segregating and discriminating against black Americans. The civil rights movement in 1950s and 1960s helped get rid of these laws.

15. What about the immigration from northern Europe.?

In the 1820s the number of immigrants coming to the USA began to increase rapidly. Facing problems in Europe such as poverty, war and discrimination immigrants hoped for and often found better opportunities in the USA. Most immigrants came from Germany, Sweden, Ireland, Norway and the UK.

16. What about the Irish?

In the late 1840s wide spread hunger resulting from the failure of the potato crop led many Irish people to emigrate to the USA.

17. Hispanic- Americans- who are they?

They are people of Spanish or Spanish-American origin. Hispanic come from many different countries. Some Hispanic lived in areas that later became a part of the USA, for example California and New Mexico. Three especially large groups are:

-Mexican- Americans- who make up about two- thirds of the total Hispanic population.

-Puerto Ricans

-Cuban- Americans

While the groups have much in common( especially the Spanish language) there are also many differences.

18. Where do they live?

Mexican Americans- Texas and California

Puerto Ricans- New York
Cuban-Americans- Florida

19. What does it mean that the USA is a melting pot?

It means that all the cultures have been melting into one.

20. Why is the USA called a mosaic at the same time?

Because all the ethnic minorities are trying to preserve their cultures and in result we have the mosaic of different cultures

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