niedziela, 15 kwietnia 2012

Okresy Warunkowe Przykłady

Gdybym był widział nie zrobił bym tego :
a)If I had known I would not have done it
b)Had I known I would not have done it

Gdybym był jego ojcem nie pozwoliłbym mu pracować
a) If I were his father I would not let him work at night
b) Were I his father, I would not let him work at night

Przyjedziemy do was jeśli nie będzie za poźno
We will come to you if it's not too late

Gdyby nasza drużyna wtedy wygrała, wysłaliby nas do Paryża
a) If our team had won we would have been sent to Paris
b) Had our team won we would have been sent to Paris

Byłby to miły czlowiek gdyby nie był takim snobem
a) He would be a nice man if he were not such a snob
b)Weren't he such a snob, he would be a nice man
c) Were he not such a snob, he would be a nice man

Gdybym zjadl rano śniadanie, nie byłbym taki głodny
If I had had breakfast in the morning I would not be so hungry
Had I had breakfast in the morning I would not be so hungry

The child is crying because his mother is not here, but if she were here the child would not be crying

Joe got a ticket because he was driving too fast, but if he had not been driving too fast he would not have got a ticket
Had he not been driving too fast, he wouldn't have got a ticket

Odwiedziłbym Cię, ale nie wiedziałem, że jesteś w domu
I would have visit you but I did not know that you were home

Nie słyszałem telefonu, w przeciwnym razie bym odebrał
I did not hear the phone, otherwise I would have answered it

Nie byłbym tak zmęczony gdybym dobrze wypoczął w lecie
I would not be so tired if I had had a good rest in summer
I would not be so tired had I had a good rest in summer

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