niedziela, 15 kwietnia 2012

Health- słówka

There were ten people waiting in the doctor’s surgery – 10 osob czekalo w gabinecie lekarza

After I ate the shellfish I fell ill- zachorowalem po tym jak zjadlem małżę

George ‘s cut arm took over a week to heal – zraniona ręka Georga goiła się ponad tydzień

David fell down the steps and twsisted his ankle- david spadl ze schodow I skręcił kostke

Everyone admired lucy because she was tall and slim- wszyscy podziwiali lucy bo byla wysoka I szczupła

I have been digging the garden and now my back aches – przekopywalem ogrodek I teraz bola mnie plecy

Whenever I travel by boat I start feeling sick- za kazdym razem gdy podrozuje statkiem zaczynam czuc sie zle

The doctor cant say what is wrong with you until she examines you- Lekarka nie zdiagnozuje cie dopóki cie nie zbada

Use this thermometer and take his temperature- uzyj tego termometru I zmierz mu temperature

I seem to have caught a cold- wyglada na to ze sie przeziebilem

Backbone- spine- kręgosłup

Great pain- agony- straszy ból

To be in agony- bardzo cierpiec

Dead person= body

She has got intelligence= she has got brains

Right in the center of- right in the heart of

Native language= mother tongue

Mouthful of air- breath

He has a pain from eating too much- he has a stomachache

David managed to grow a lot of hair on his face- he managed to grow a beard

She gave him an affectionate kiss- czule go pocałowała

He was on his hands and knees- byl na czworaka

She used to suck her thumb- kiedys ssala swoj kciuk

He gave him an injection- zrobil mu zastrzyk

Stretcher- nosze

Blister- odcisk

Redneck- prostak

Apple polisher- lizus

I am not in good shape – nie jestem w dobrej formie

Carbon footprint- ilosc gazow cieplarnianych co po sobie zostawiany, ostatnio modne slowko

To keep fit- trzymac forme

Reduce the pain- zmniejszyc bol

I had an operation on my foot- operowali mi stope

We need to operate on you- musimy cie operowac

He put me on Prozac

He took me off Prozac

He couldn’t get over his illness- nie mogl sie wyleczyc

She gave birth to a baby girl- urodzila dziewczynke

Bruised- posiniaczone

They shook their fists at me- pogrozili mi piescia

Ointment- maść

Have you hurt yourself?- zraniles sie?

Each time I sneezed, everyone said ; bless you- za kazdym razem gdy kichalem wszyscy mowili bless u

You are getting on my nerves- denerwujesz mnie

Drips- kapki

Tears- łzy

Streams- strumienie

Puddles- kałuże

It was swollen- było spuchniete

Muscle- mięsień

Muscular- umięśniony

Weigh- ważyć

Weight- waga

Pain- bol

Painful- bolesny

Poison- trucizna

Poisonous- zatruty

Express- wyrazac

She had an optimistic expression on her face- miala optymistyczny wyraz twarzy

Heart- serce

Heartful- podbudowany

Cure- lezyc

Uncurable- nieuleczalny


Treatment- leczenie

Henry’s heart was in the right place- He was kind

Paul held his tongue- he didn’t say anything

Richard jawed away for at least an hour – he talked

Dave had a lot of cheeks to talk like that – mial tupet!- he was rather rude

Keith couldn’t stomach his new job- he didn’t like him

Harry backed his boss- he supported him

William kept poking his nose in- ciagle sie wtracal – he interfered in other people’s business

He thumbed a lift to work- zlapal stopa do pracy- he hitch hiked

Charles put his foot in it- popelnil gafe- he said the wrong thing

Jack’s heart ached to be where he belonged- tesknil za domem- he missed home

I am suffering FROM an incurable disease

I was IN agony all night with earache

I think you have put ON a lot of weight lately

The effect of this drung will slowly wear OFF- przestanie dzialac

You really get ON my nerves sometimes

After Jack fainted it was several minutes before he CAME ROUND

To come round- odsknąć się

Is Coral being operated ON tomorrow?

Harry went down WITH flu- zachorowal na grype

Peter was treated FOR sth…

I will take care of you- zaopiekuje się toba

Ease the pain= reduce the pain

The doctor recommended- lekarz zalecil

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